uploads/all clear.jpg

all clear 解除警報。

all hail

Before initiation , i was not at all clear about the meaning of life , which caused me a lot of confusion and suffering 印心之前,我對生命的意義毫無概念,時常感到困惑茫然,并因而造成許多痛苦。

But not all cleared forest is suitable for farming ? and that is particularly so when the forest in question is in the tropics 然而并非所有清空的森林地都適合耕種,尤其是處于熱帶的森林。

People in alaska and hawaii have the all clear after a pacific earthquake touched off tsunami watches and warnings 阿拉斯加及夏威夷的人們在密切關注大西洋地震引發海嘯的警告后大撤退。

One thing we ' re all clear on is that we cannot use muscle to achieve the kind of changes we are striving for 有一件事情我們能清晰地認識到我們并不能通過蠻力來實現我們想要的變革。

But on thursday at the night jana pittman said the doctor had gave her the all clear to compete 但周四晚上皮特曼宣布,醫生已給了她完全的批準,她可以參加正式比賽了。

Oh oh , and jungle drums they all clear the way for me can you read my mind can you see in the snow 把你的頭發一遍遍撥弄啊~我想你已聽見用你的唇再唱我的旋律

Are you all clear about the sales & marketing meeting procedures or have some other comments 是否都清楚市場銷售會議的標準和程序,誰還有其他的觀點?

A week ago , waste metal scraps were stored here , but now they have been all cleared away 一星期前,這里還堆著廢鋼爛鐵,現在都搬走了。

You ' re all clear 路障清除完畢

He ’ s slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar . all clear 把他的右手伸到抽屜里,將餅干盒偷了出來,解除警報。

All clear . proceed 沒事了.繼續

He ' s slipping his arm in the drawer and out comes the cookie jar . all clear 他現在把手伸到抽屜里取出了一個餅干筒,聽清楚了吧

Repeat , all clear 重復,危險排除

All clear . - do it 可以了-動手吧

No , it ' s all clear 沒有,一切正常

- all clear . - do it -可以了-動手吧

That is all clear , and , i daresay , true enough , replied livesey “那是明擺著的,而且我敢說,千真萬確, ”利弗西醫生答道。

The rest of y ' all clear out . it ' s about to get rowdy in this motherfucker 其他的人走開,這是給這個混蛋顏色瞧瞧的時候了

It ' s dead . all clear 它死了,危險排除